Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Dr. Glenn Berger and family with Dandini Award

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Dr. Glenn Berger and Family with Dandini Award

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Candid:Dr. Glenn Berger and family looking at Dandini Award Plaque

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Dr. and Mrs. Berger with DRI President Steve and Mrs. Wells.

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Dr Glenn Berger and family with DRI President Dr. Steve Wells

All photographs (c) by Bob (775) 329-6360 Posted by Picasa

Dr. Glenn Berger and friends, DRI President Dr. Steve Wells

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Dr. Glenn Berger receive the Dandini Medal. Left to right:Dr. Mike Auerbach,Dr. Berger, DRI President Dr. Steve Wells

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Dr. Glenn Berger and his family after Glenn received the Dandini Award

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DRI: Dr. Glenn Berger receives the Dandini Award

Left to Right: DEES Director Dr. Mike Auerbach, Dr. Glenn Berger, DRI President Dr. Steve Wells. Posted by Picasa

Carl Garlington working on the Hall Of Honor painting.

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